Lihat bagaimana Kinobi membantu universitas dan institusi pendidikan secara global berdasarkan kebutuhan masing-masing institusi.
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Using Kinobi is the right decision to help students to become job ready. We developed materials on soft skills that are integrated into students’ resume and job tracking features, which can be a solution for their education and…
We greatly appreciate Kinobi’s one-stop service and their team’s dedication to the project and quick turnaround.
Kinobi, a start-up that specializes in creating school and campus-based digital career centers, provides an array of valuable services for our centers, including suitable features and team collaboration.
Using Kinobi is the right decision to help students to become job ready. We developed materials on soft skills that are integrated into students’ resume and job tracking features, which can be a solution for their education and…
We greatly appreciate Kinobi’s one-stop service and their team’s dedication to the project and quick turnaround.
Kinobi, a start-up that specializes in creating school and campus-based digital career centers, provides an array of valuable services for our centers, including suitable features and team collaboration.
Thus far, students that have registered and gone for their mentoring session have rated it 5/5 and are likely to recommend it to their friends and peers.
The workshop was engaging and very helpful. The trainer was meticulous and gave many tips on how to make their resumes effective. The students definitely enjoyed the workshop!
Currently, PSB Academy has approximately 400 students on the platform, 100+ companies, and 330+ jobs posted on the platform since its launch from the beginning of the year.
With this joint Career Fair, SIM saw more active engagement with 1,200+ students participating. SIM also saw huge participation from its employer partners, with 80+ companies participating and over 400 jobs being…
UMY warmly welcomes the partnership with Kinobi. We think the features they offer can help our students to find internships or jobs, especially now that companies are using ATS-friendly resumes. We can also register our…
Lihat bagaimana Kinobi membantu universitas dan institusi pendidikan secara global berdasarkan kebutuhan masing-masing institusi.
Using Kinobi is the right decision to help students to become job ready. We developed materials...
We greatly appreciate Kinobi’s one-stop service and their team’s dedication to the project and quick turnaround.
Kinobi, a start-up that specializes in creating school and campus-based digital career centers...
Using Kinobi is the right decision to help students to become job ready. We developed materials
We greatly appreciate Kinobi’s one-stop service and their team’s dedication to the project and...
Kinobi, a start-up that specializes in creating school and campus-based digital career centers...
Thus far, students that have registered and gone for their mentoring session have rated it 5/5...
The workshop was engaging and very helpful. The trainer was meticulous and gave many tips on...
Currently, PSB Academy has approximately 400 students on the platform, 100+ companies...
With this joint Career Fair, SIM saw more active engagement with 1,200+ students participating.
UMY warmly welcomes the partnership with Kinobi. We think the features they offer can help...
Using Kinobi is the right decision to help students to become job ready. We developeddd
We greatly appreciate Kinobi’s one-stop service and their team’s dedication to the project and quick turnaround.
Thus far, students that have registered and gone for their mentoring session have rated it 5/5 and are likely to recommend it to their friends and peers.
Direktorat Jendral Perlindungan Konsumen dan Tertib Niaga Kementrian Perdagangan Republik Indonesia
Whatsapp: 0853 1111 1010
© 2024 Kinobi. All rights reserved.
Direktorat Jendral Perlindungan Konsumen dan Tertib Niaga Kementrian Perdagangan Republik Indonesia
Whatsapp: 0853 1111 1010